General Health Panel lab tests in LabsMD Lab Test Test Cost Lipid Panel - Lipid Panel (Lipid Profile Test) $42.86 Complete Blood Count / CBC (includes Differential and Platelets) - Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test $32.29 Calcium, Ionized, Serum - Ionized Calcium Test $40.29 Ultimate Wellness Panel $210.11 UA Profile $37.14 Deluxe Wellness $178.14 Chemistry Panel (SMAC 25) $126.86 Wilson's Disease Profile $85.71 Lipid Panel with Ratios, HgbA1c and Glucose $64.86 Comprehensive Metabolic Profile ( includes eGFR ) - CMP Blood Test without Insurance $33.43 Calcium, Serum - Calcium Blood Test $32.86 Electrolyte Panel $30.69 Addison's Disease Screen (Basic) $211.14 Uric Acid, Serum (Gout Test) - Uric Acid Test $32.86 Deluxe Checkup $75.71 Metabolic Syndrome Profile (Advanced) $74.00 Urinalysis, Complete Profile - Urine Test $37.14 Deluxe Wellness with Vitamin D $235.29 Hemoglobin (Hgb) A1c - A1c Test $34.86 Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/SGOT) - AST blood test cost without insurance $30.06 Ultimate Wellness Panel with Vitamin D $269.86 Immunization Panel $151.43 Ultimate Anti-Aging Panel $286.57 ABO Grouping and Rho(D) Typing - ABO Group and Rh Type blood testing $34.86 Comprehensive Wellness Panel $100.14 Potassium, Serum - Potassium Blood Test $32.86 CBC (includes Differential and Platelets) with Pathologist Review - Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test $78.63 Metabolic Assessment Regimen $72.29 Acromegaly Screen (Basic) $120.43 Lipid Panel with Ratios - Lipid Panel with Ratios tests cost $48.57 Metabolic Assessment Program $106.57 General Wellness Panel $94.71 Hemoglobin (Hgb) A1c With eAG Estimation - A1c Blood Test with eAG $34.86 Comprehensive Metabolic Profile (CMP) (includes eGFR) with Creatine Kinase $42.00 Ultimate Checkup $97.57