Hormone Panel with Estradiol Ultrasensitive, Testosterone LC/MS-MS and Lipid
$151.14 |
Ova & Parasites w/Giardia Antigen
$237.14 |
Hormone Panel for Males w/ F&T Testosterone LC/MS, FSH & LH
$237.86 |
Female Hormone Basic Follow-up w/Progesterone II
$165.14 |
Hormone Panel with E2 Ultrasensitive, Prolactin & Testosterone LC/MS
$138.29 |
Female Ultimate Checkup w/ Cardio IQ Advanced Lipid Panel
$412.11 |
Hormones, Thyroid, Wellness
$599.29 |
Hormone Panel with PSA (F&T) **MALES ONLY
$128.00 |
Hormone Panel with E2 Ultrasensitive, Progesterone & Testosterone LC/MS
$146.57 |
Ultimate Checkup w/ Cardio IQ Advanced Lipid Panel
$377.83 |
Female Hormone Basic Follow-up
$74.57 |
Vitamin/Nutrient Panel
$265.71 |
Hormone, Thyroid and Basic Wellness
$406.57 |
Female Hormone Initial Panel w/Progesterone & Lipid
$255.57 |
Anemia Profile (Advanced) with CMP
$92.43 |
Male Ultimate Checkup w/ Cardio IQ Advanced Lipid Panel
$445.83 |
Hormone Panel with Progesterone
$118.86 |
Adrenal Fatigue Basic Profile
$83.71 |
Hormone Panel for Males III
$301.29 |
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Quantitative - G6PD Test: Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase
$48.57 |
Chem Panel with Lipids
$93.71 |
Adrenal Fatigue Advanced Profile
$160.29 |
Female Hormone Initial Panel
$220.14 |
Tri-iodothyronine (T3) Total and Free (FT3)
$44.14 |
Female Hormone Basic Follow-up w/Progesterone
$92.86 |
Hormone Panel with Estradiol Ultrasensitive, PSA & F&T Testosterone LC/MS
$157.71 |
Hormone Panel for Males II
$273.00 |
Hormone Panel with Estradiol Ultrasensitive, PSA & Testosterone LC/MS
$139.14 |
Hormone, Basic Thyroid, Basic Wellness
$335.71 |
$40.00 |
Hormone Panel Basic (F&T Testosterone, E2, FSH)
$95.71 |
Female Hormone Basic Follow-up II
$77.14 |
Lyme Disease Antibody with Reflex to Antibodies IGG & IGM Blot
$140.00 |
Anemia Profile (Basic)
$53.86 |
Protein, Total, Serum - Total Protein Blood Test
$30.29 |
Metabolic Syndrome Profile
$50.00 |
Hormone Panel Unisex w/o IGF-1
$118.00 |
Female Hormone Initial Panel w/Progesterone
$238.43 |
Male Hormone Basic Follow-up
$85.43 |
Ultimate STD Panel (without Hepatitis)
$1161.14 |
Anti-dsDNA (Double-Stranded) Antibiodies, EIA
$40.86 |
Hormone Panel (F&T Testosterone, NO CMP)
$111.43 |
Ultimate Cardiac IQ Healthy Heart Cholesterol Profile
$338.26 |
Hormone Panel with E2 Ultrasensitive, PSA & F&T Testosterone LC/MS
$157.71 |
Male Hormone Initial Panel
$221.86 |