Cancer Screening lab tests in Ulta Lab Tests Lab Test Test Cost Compare - Colon Cancer Screening Test (LGC) $49.00 Lambda Light Chain, Free, Serum $101.95 Calcitonin $121.95 Alpha Fetoprotein, Tumor Marker - Alpha-Fetoprotein Test $44.95 Calprotectin, Stool $127.95 Thyroglobulin Panel - TG Test $55.95 CA 125 - CA 125 Blood Test $34.95 Kappa/Lambda Light Chains, Free with Ratio and Reflex to Immunofixation $248.95 Beta-2-Microglobulin, Serum $44.95 CEA - CEA Blood Test $28.95 Cancer Antigen 15-3 Plus $194.95 PSA, Total (2.5 ng/mL cutoff) $28.95 Prostatic Acid Phosphatase (PAP) - Acid Phosphatase Test $24.95 PSA, Post Prostatectomy with HAMA Treatment $178.95 CA 27.29 $39.95 Kappa Light Chain, Free, Serum $98.95 Bladder Cancer, FISH $2198.00 CA 15-3 - CA 15-3 Test $46.95 EML4 ALK Gene Fusion, PCR $429.95 ColoVantage® (Methylated Septin 9) $761.95 CA 19-9 - Cancer Antigen or CA 19-9 blood test $43.95 PSA Total - Total PSA Test $27.95 PSA, Post Prostatectomy $64.95 Thyroglobulin, Fine Needle Aspirate $77.95 Thyroglobulin Panel with HAMA Treatment $132.95 CEA with HAMA Treatment $73.95 Kappa/Lambda Light Chains, Free with Ratio $182.95 FIT test $50.95 PSA, Free and Total - PSA Free and Total Blood Test $52.95 CA 125 with HAMA Treatment $107.95 Fecal Globin by Immunochemistry (InSure®) $50.95