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Blood Tests for Heart Disease lab tests in Lab Testing API

Lab Test Test Cost
Chloride Blood Test $29.00
Transferrin Blood Test - Trasferrin Blood Test $42.00
Reticulocyte Count Blood Test (Automated) - Reticulocyte Count blood test $43.00
Natural Killer Cells Blood Test $78.00
Hematocrit Blood Test (HCT) $28.00
White Blood Cell Count (WBC) and Differential Blood Test $31.00
Cardio IQ® Advanced Lipid Panel and Inflammation Panel Blood Test $318.00
Hemoglobin Blood Test $30.00
Cardio IQ Cholesterol, Total Blood Test $30.00
Lymphocyte Subset Panel 4 Blood Test $151.00
Lipoprotein (a) Blood Test - Lipoprotein (a) test $43.00
Prothrombin with INR and Partial Thromboplastin Times Blood Test $65.00
Hemogram Blood Test $30.00
Cardio IQ® Lp-PLA2 Activity Blood Test $98.00
Ceruloplasmin Blood Test - Ceruloplasmin Test $38.00
Apolipoprotein B Blood Test - Apolipoprotein B (apoB) test $56.00
Lymphocyte Subset Panel 3 Blood Test $150.00
Creatine Kinase Total Blood Test (CK) - CK Test $34.00
D-Dimer Blood Test $144.00
Cardio IQ Hemoglobin A1c Blood Test $35.00
Iodine 24-Hour Urine Test $73.00
Factor V Mutation Blood Testing (Leiden) $214.00
Cardio IQ Lipoprotein Fractionation Ion Mobility Analysis Blood Test $59.00
Cardio IQ HDL Cholesterol Blood Test $30.00
Ferritin Blood Test - Ferritin Test $27.00
Cardio IQ® Lipoprotein (a) $43.00
Renin Activity Plasma Test $94.00
Lp-PLA2 Activity Blood Test $71.00
Fibrinogen Activity Blood Test - Fibrinogen Activity (Clauss) blood test $58.00
Iodine Blood Test $52.00
Apolipoprotein A1 Blood Test $54.00
Platelet Count, EDTA Blood Test $28.00
Triglycerides Blood test $29.00
Cholesterol, Total Blood Test $29.00
Hemogram and Differential Blood Test $30.00
Carbon Dioxide Blood Test - Carbon Dioxide (CO2) blood lab test $29.00
Cardio IQ Advanced Lipid Panel Blood Test $187.00
Omega-3 and -6 Fatty Acids Blood Test $89.00
Lymphocyte Subset Panel 1 Blood Test $174.00
Iron, Total Blood Test - Total Iron blood test $28.00
Partial Thromboplastin Time Activated Blood Test (aPTT) $48.00
Cardio IQ®️ Apolipoprotein B $59.00
Prothrombin Time with INR Blood Test (PT/INR) - Prothrombin Time Test $35.00
Iron & Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) Blood Test - TIBC Test $31.00
VLDL Cholesterol Blood Test $29.00
Iron and Total Iron-binding Capacity (TIBC) $50.00
Non-Esterified Fatty Acids Blood Test (Free Fatty Acids) $74.00
Lymphocyte Subset Panel 5 Blood Test $79.00
Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 Blood Test $150.00
Cardio IQ Triglycerides Blood Test $30.00