ABO Group
$12.22 |
$39.00 |
ABO Group and Rh Type - ABO Group and Rh Type blood testing
$15.00 |
$1098.00 |
ABO Grouping
ABO Grouping and Rho(D) Typing
$31.00 |
$469.00 |
Absolute Lymphocyte Count
$14.95 |
$25.00 |
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) (REFL)
$35.00 |
$35.00 |
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT/SGPT)
$29.00 |
$939.00 |
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) - AST blood test cost without insurance
$5.00 |
$215.00 |
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/SGOT)
$34.00 |
$215.00 |
Basic Metabolic Panel - Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP) Blood Test
$5.00 |
$245.56 |
Basic Metabolic Panel, Plasma
$5.00 |
$33.00 |
Basic Metabolic Panel without Calcium
$5.00 |
$31.00 |
Basic Metabolic Panel without Calcium and Glomerular Filtration Rate, Estimated (eGFR)
$5.00 |
$5.00 |
Basic Metabolic Panel without Glomerular Filtration Rate, Estimated (eGFR)
BUN/Creatinine Ratio with eGFR
Calcium - Calcium Blood Test
$5.00 |
$1548.95 |
$29.00 |
$829.00 |
Calcium, 24-Hour Urine without Creatinine
$15.00 |
$62.22 |
Calcium, Ionized - Ionized Calcium Test
$37.78 |
$1628.95 |
Calcium, Random Urine without Creatinine
$29.00 |
$249.00 |
Calcium, Urine
$29.00 |
$249.00 |
CBC (H/H, RBC, Indices, WBC, Plt)
$5.00 |
$434.95 |
CBC (includes Differential and Platelets) - Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test
$5.00 |
$2732.95 |
CBC (includes Differential and Platelets) with Smear Review
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel - CMP Blood Test without Insurance
$8.00 |
$2732.95 |
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, Plasma
$8.00 |
$22.95 |
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel with Adjusted Calcium
$8.00 |
$8.00 |
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel with Adjusted Calcium, Plasma
$8.00 |
$34.00 |
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel without ALT
$8.00 |
$20.95 |
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel without ALT and Glomerular Filtration Rate, Estimated (eGFR)
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel without CO2, ALT
$8.00 |
$19.95 |
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel without CO2, ALT and Glomerular Filtration Rate, Estimated (eGFR)
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel without Glomerular Filtration Rate, Estimated (eGFR)
Creatinine without Glomerular Filtration Rate, Estimated (eGFR)
Crystals, Urine
$110.00 |
$110.00 |
Electrolyte Panel
$33.00 |
$575.00 |
Electrolyte Panel
$5.00 |
$477.00 |
Electrolyte Panel, Plasma
$5.00 |
$32.00 |
Fluoride, Random Urine
$94.00 |
$199.00 |
Glucose - Glucose Test
$5.00 |
$522.00 |
Glucose, Plasma
$28.00 |
$28.00 |
Glucose, Plasma
$5.00 |
$799.95 |
HDL Cholesterol
$5.00 |
$48.00 |
Hemoglobin A1c - A1c Test
$15.00 |
$2732.95 |
Hemoglobin A1c with eAG - A1c Blood Test with eAG
$15.00 |
$589.95 |
Hemoglobin A1c with eAG with Reflex to 1,5-Anhydroglucitol (1,5-AG)
$65.00 |
$65.00 |
Hemoglobin A1c with Reflex to 1,5-Anhydroglucitol (1,5-AG)
$65.00 |
$65.00 |
Hemoglobin (Hb) A1c
$28.00 |
$939.00 |
$29.00 |
$886.99 |
Insulin - Insulin Blood Test
$15.56 |
$2732.95 |
Lipid Panel, Cardio IQ®
$18.89 |
$1583.95 |
Lipid Panel, Non-Fasting without Triglycerides
$50.00 |
$50.00 |
Lipid Panel, Standard - Lipid Panel (Lipid Profile Test)
$10.00 |
$1628.95 |
Lipid Panel with Ratios - Lipid Panel with Ratios tests cost
$10.00 |
$2732.95 |
Lipid Panel with Reflex to Direct LDL
$18.89 |
$65.00 |
Lipid Panel with Reflex to Direct LDL, Cardio IQ®
$90.00 |
$90.00 |
Obstetric Panel
$175.00 |
$462.95 |
$110.00 |
$325.00 |
Osmolality, Serum
$37.95 |
$559.00 |
Osmolality, Serum
pH, Urine, Atlas
$10.00 |
$10.00 |
Platelet Count
$33.00 |
$51.00 |
Potassium, Serum - Potassium Blood Test
$5.00 |
$1548.95 |
Prostatic Acid Phosphatase (PAP) - Acid Phosphatase Test
$15.00 |
$939.00 |
Renal Function Panel - Renal Function Panel
$5.00 |
$308.00 |
Renal Function Panel without eGFR
Thyroid Cascading Reflex
$12.22 |
$75.00 |
Thyroid Panel - Thyroid Blood Test
$35.00 |
$999.95 |
Thyroid Panel with TSH - TSH Thyroid Panel
$42.57 |
$939.00 |
Thyroid Profile
$39.00 |
$799.00 |
Uric Acid
Uric Acid - Uric Acid Test
$5.00 |
$2732.95 |
Uric Acid
$27.00 |
$799.00 |
Uric Acid, 24-Hour Urine with Creatinine
$20.00 |
$59.00 |
Uric Acid, 24-Hour Urine without Creatinine
$60.00 |
$84.00 |
Urinalysis, Complete - Urine Test
$10.00 |
$1945.43 |
Urinalysis, Complete, with Reflex to Culture
$20.00 |
$899.00 |
Urinalysis, Macroscopic
$5.00 |
$504.95 |
Urinalysis, Microscopic
$5.00 |
$372.99 |
Urinalysis, Screen
$30.00 |
$48.95 |
Urinalysis with Reflex to Microscopic
$10.00 |
$393.95 |
White Blood Cell Count (WBC)
$5.00 |
$31.00 |
White Blood Cell Count (WBC) and Differential
$10.00 |
$31.00 |
White Blood Cell (WBC) Count