General Health Panel lab tests in DirectLabs Lab Test Test Cost CBC (includes Differential And Platelets) - Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test $26.00 APEX-2 Panel $179.00 Calcium, Ionized - Ionized Calcium Test $57.00 APEX-4 Panel $184.00 Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) - AST blood test cost without insurance $26.00 Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP-14) - CMP Blood Test without Insurance $29.00 Calcium, 24-Hr Urine without Creatinine $29.00 APEX-1 Panel $135.00 Uric Acid, 24 Hr Urine (Without Creatinine) $49.00 APEX-5 Panel $349.00 Minerals Panel $178.00 Calcium - Calcium Blood Test $26.00 Potassium, Serum - Potassium Blood Test $26.00 Lipid Panel, standard (Cholesterol Panel) - Test of the Month - Lipid Panel (Lipid Profile Test) $38.00 APEX-3 Panel $279.00 ABO Group and Rh (D) Typing (Blood Type) - ABO Group and Rh Type blood testing $39.00 Urinalysis, Complete with Microscopic Examination - Urine Test $23.00 10 Most Important Tests $239.00 Hemoglobin A1c with eAG (HgbA1c) - A1c Blood Test with eAG $34.00 Fluoride, Random Urine $99.00 Comprehensive Wellness Profile (CWP) $63.00 Uric Acid, Serum - Uric Acid Test $26.00 APEX-6 Panel $319.00 General Health Panel $49.00