STD Testing lab tests in Grassroots Labs Lab Test Test Cost Hepatitis Panel Acute w/ Reflex $92.22 Hepatitis C Screening and Confirmation Test - Hepatitis C Test $28.89 Gonorrhoeae RNA, TMA - Gonorrhea Test without Insurance $26.67 Syphilis Antibodies Cascading Reflex $62.22 HIV 1 & 2 with Confirmation - Comprehensive HIV test $43.33 Hepatitis B Virus DNA - Quantitative $510.00 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Immunity - Quantitative - Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (Immunity) test $32.22 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen with Reflex Confirmation - Hep B Surface Antigen testing $26.67 Hepatitis B Core Total Antibody IgG $22.22 Chlamydia & Gonorrhea RNA, TMA - Chlamydia/Neisseria gonorrhoeae RNA, TMA Test $51.11 Chlamydia Trachomatis- Urine $37.78 Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 IgG, with Reflex to HSV-2 Inhibition $143.33 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody - Qualitative $43.33